I find it so interesting that I have not written a blog since before Christian and I were married. Oh how things change in the blink of an eye...
Today I took Colton for his one year check up. He weighs 24.75 lbs and is in the 91%. He is 30.5" tall and in the 74%. And his head is 19.29 inches and is in the 98.8%.... needless to say, we have a very healthy boy who is smart and funny and kind. I had no idea that a little boy could have so much personality in his first year. He never ceases to amaze me with all that he can do and all that he understands.
As I look back over this year of being a new mom, life is nothing like I thought it would be. Being that I started babysitting when I was 12 years old, I thought I would do just fine with being a mother and it would be a breeze. It is nothing like what you think it's going to be like. Life is constantly changing for him and for our family. I have never been looked at so deeply by anybody. Looking at him back makes me want to weep, laugh, to try harder, to do better, to be present in every moment of the day and be the best wife I can be.
Family time is something we work so hard at being one of our top priorities. Watching Christian be a daddy is so incredibly humbling. Since I never had brothers, seeing that special relationship between father and son is the most precious thing... Colton loves his daddy so much and there is nobody in the world I can imagine being on this journey with. That by itself is a whole other level of love and appreciation.
Has this journey been easy? Not at all. It has hands-down been the hardest thing I have ever done. I've never cried harder, felt more defeated, been more tired, or truly have no idea what I was doing … But all of those things don't really matter because nothing has been more rewarding either.
As we were out of town this last weekend on our final family trip before we have our sweet little Annabel, I tried to take in every moment. I was overwhelmed with how many people have loved on our family and our son in the past year. I am so thankful. I am thankful for the heart ache and the changes that I didn't always want to make, but I know God is leading our family in the right direction with His plan and His timing. That's always the better thing anyways!

God is faithful. God is so good. We are thankful....