Do you ever feel trapped by your own circumstances? I do! I especially with being open and vulnerable when talking to others about becoming healthy and finding my way through the valleys of this journey. Being totally open and honest, I didn't give it 100% in my fight this week because I let myself listen to voices telling me that I can't help others because it's something I haven't figured out. It's still something I struggle with. Daily. Can you help people with things you still struggle with? This was a big lie I digested this week and struggled through. The answer is YES.
Yes, I can. No one has ever reached the know-all with anything. If you are going to relate to people and work through things with people who truly knows what it's like to be in the same battle, it will always be with people who aren't at the finish line. It won't always be the struggle that it is today, but it can and will get easier. It also means that I can help people as long as I am going to be honest about the journey and where I am. It's only when we hide and try to make it seem like we have it all together that it gets cloudy and hypocritical.
So, tonight I will start going through "Made to Crave" with my first group of women. I pray that we can all grow from this, learn from it and get different perspectives that will help us Crave the Lord more than food. More than life. More than anything else. I'm excited.
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