I decided 2 weeks ago that I was going to read all of the Harry Potter books for the first time, before the last movie comes out. I can't believe that I am already 1/2 way through book 4, but I now understand this little magical world that everyone has been talking about for years. I don't know what took me so long to get on the band wagon, but needless to say, I'm enjoying the ride.
There have been a couple of phrases that stuck out to me like a sore thumb. These phrases have caused me to ask some compelling questions, so I thought I'd share them. Hopefully, they'll make you ask some questions too.
In "The Chamber of Secrets", (book 2) Dumbledoor and Harry are having a conversation about life choices and Dumbledoor says
"It's our choices, Harry, that show us what we truly are, far more than our abilities." pg 333
That's a pretty profound statement. It's completely true too. I am able to do a lot of things, so it's because of that ability that there is responsibility that goes along with my choices. I am really thankful that I have freedom to make choices; I just have to really be responsible for the choices that I am making.
This last week, I was a hot mess when it came to eating. Being away on vacation murdered my routine and my mindset. I was constantly on "Oh, I'm on vacation, I'll be better tomorrow." What is that all about? I am DONE functioning on that level. I don't want to live there anymore. It not only made me feel ill, it made me mentally go to the wrong place. I want to chose to better because I know better. At the end of the day, there's just me and the choices that I made for that day. I'm not guaranteed tomorrow, so I need to choose better for today.
On that note, I cleaned out some things in the freezer and started new. Today was one of the nicest days I have had in a long time. My mind is set on good things, my eating was awesome today and I enjoyed it all... I'm able to do this. I just have to choose to do it. No more living in the future, or the past for that matter. It's the here and now.
The other quote that struck me was from "Prisoner of Askaban" (book 3, pg 36) and this conversation happens between Stan (the crazy bus driver, and Harry)
"How come muggles don't hear the bus?" said Harry. "Them!" said Stan contemptuously. "Don' listen properly, do they? Don' look properly either. Never notice nuffink, they don'."
Lord, open my eyes, so I may see. Open my ears, so that I may hear. Less of me, more of You. That is my prayer tonight.