I'm so thankful for it too. God is more real to me today and speaking more clearly, than I can ever recall! I have been being confronted and spoken to by so many people. Some people who I am close to and others, who are complete strangers. They are speaking God's truth into my life, so whoever He has to speak through is fine with me.
Here are the CLEAR messages that God has been speaking through people, directly to me.
- God has immeasurably more than I can even imagine in store for me. I need to stop settling for less than God's best.
- I have been getting in the way of my own prayers by staying "stuck" in the desert - God has taken me OUT of situations and because of my own choices, I have not moved INTO the promise land for the BEST that He has for me.
- I NEED TO STAND UP IN MY FAITH - I ask God to do things but I don't really believe He's going to do them. Along with this, I heard a great message today by James MacDonald and he quoted, "People will miss getting to heaven by 18 inches"... talking about the disconnect between the mind and heart. Oh, that has been me!
- God is also using this amazing woman to hold me accountable and love on me, in a way that I never saw coming. She takes the time to always ask how I am doing, she is vulnerable and honest with me, and ... I am so thankful! Jill Hofer, you are the mentor I have always prayed for and wanted. You make me a better woman. You make me think before I do things (because I know I'm gonna end up telling you), and you have more of an impact than you'll ever know! I am thankful for you!
- Tonight I went to hear Beth Moore at HFBC for her new study on Deuteronomy (The Law of Love) and she said 2 things that I LITERALLY PRAYED WORD FOR WORD this morning! She said "Stand in truth and be obedient" and "You are exactly where you should be". Words that to anyone else may not mean anything, but they were confirmation that God hears my prayers. God clearly told me and confirmed to me that He knows my thoughts. I was praying this morning for some very specific things and I got to one subject and I did not even pray it, but I just thought it. Within one hour of thinking it, it was completely answered. Incredible!
God is alive! God is teaching me SO much. Tonight I was so thrilled to be sitting with one of my favorite ladies in the church, being fed the word of God; first with sweet worship and then with TRUTH from the word! This is the year that I need to release some things! God wanted me there tonight, so I was there. God has been saying things to me; I am listening and I HEAR, and I CHOOSE to go where He is leading me. I don't have anything to offer, other than a vessel for Him to carry out whatever He's going to do / wherever He is going to put me! So I ask: "Where is God pointing me/ what is He pointing at?" I say this to Jill all the time and it's true today, "I don't know where I'm supposed to be, but I know I'm supposed to be here today." And this is my launching pad...
I will do what I was told to do tonight and "Lean my head on Him and not pick it up until I see what He see's."
"Music Inspired by the Story"- Broken Praise (Job)
"Will you hold me?
Will you stay so I can raise this broken praise to You?
But You are the One who'll fill my cup,
and You are the One who'll let it spill.
So blessed be Your Holy name,
if You never fill it up again.
If this is where my story ends,
just give me one more breath to say:
Jill and Me at the Bolin Wedding - July 2011
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