The past few months has been hard because of my weight, but let me scream from the mountain tops, that GOD IS SO GOOD! I am truly able to see that God never gives us more than we can handle. I know that this work has not been in vain and I need to get my priorities straight. It's amazing what can happen when we get our "to do list" in the wrong order.
A week ago tomorrow, I moved out of my apartment that I've been in in Katy for the past 2 years, all in preparation for the new home that I'm building. 100% blessing that I am able to have this home. Being through the process of building a home and seeing each phase of it, has shown me so much about life. I tell you, this has also been one of
the most terrifying things I've ever set out to do, especially as a single woman. I have embraced all of the comments concerning "you're not married and you're buying a home?"... why yes, I am! Every time I have gone to the house, I am overwhelmed by how I want that home to be a blessing to everyone who enters the doors. I never thought I'd be going through this next step of life by myself, but I know that good will come of it and I will be able to use the house in ways that bring glory to His name, and to my story.
Y'all know that I am a huge fan of Lysa Terkeurst. This week, I started going through her new book "Unglued". I tell you, if you want to read an amazing book with me pertaining to 'making wise decisions in the midst of raw emotions', go out and get this book. In these 3 1/2 years of struggling through my weight loss journey, I have learned many reasons as to why I turn to food to find comfort, strength... fill in the blank. And now as I am sitting here, in the midst of a huge chapter change in life, I am re-learning that life is a process. There are ups and downs, blessings and curses, leaps forward and setbacks, but all of it leads to the process of progress. Lysa wrote:
Imperfect changes are slow steps of progress wrapped in grace ... imperfect progress. Progress. Just make progress. Taking baby steps, but at least take steps that will keep you from being stuck. Then change will come. And it will be good.
I resonate with that. So, here I am. Vulnerable, changed, lost in some areas yet found in others, and open to venture on yet another phase of looking at the truth behind fear, love and the honesty of life. Progress. Just make progress.
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