Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Eve of the New Year, 2014

December 31, 2013

This is the first night that I have allowed myself to spend a new years eve doing what I wanted to do. I am spending the evening home, alone and using the time to truly reflect back on this past year. I honestly am not a new year's kind of person. I'm all for starting new things, setting goals, reflecting ... but I don't need to make a big deal of it. And I really don't need it tonight. So I am sitting here thinking, looking at my beautiful home, drinking a flute of champagne, pup in lap and wanting to remember what has come to pass in this last year.

Milestones include my first 1/2 marathon.
I never thought I'd be able to do something like that, but I did and I have signed up to do it again. People always ask: How fast did you do it? Honestly, I'm not sure. I finished it without walking, that's what I do know. I don't run to compete with a time. Running itself is enough of a challenge for me and I never thought I'd be able to do it. So, now I know that I can. I will be running my second one March 2 and am excited to have another goal to work towards.

Casa Gowing was built.

What an amazing and wonderful blessing this house is to me. I have never worked so hard for something (other than my weight loss) and each day I walk through the door, I am more and more thankful for it.

 I'm thankful that my family has been able to come and join me in this excitement.

I am thankful that I teach such wonderful students out of it and I am thankful that this neighborhood is growing and changing.

Metaphor for life and it's amazing to see such changes go by so quickly, as this year has done.

I am thrilled that a silly little hobby has turned into something that is paying my way to Africa this summer. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that would happen, but it's happening right in front of my eyes.
Thanks to everyone for your orders and support with Custom Kiddos. It's truly something that is blowing my mind and allowing me to be creative as well. Double blessing.

I am thankful for my job with HGO. I love going to a place that allows me to have a musical outlet, treats me like I'm a valued part of the family/team, and let's me sing with the best people from around the world. And what girl doesn't love dressing up! And get's paid to do it. I absolutely love it and am thankful for it each and every day I walk into the building.

How many people can honestly say that about their jobs? Not many, but I love that I can say that. That view of the opera house will never get old to me.

Most of all this year, I am thankful for my family and my friends. Thank you Bethany and Lynzy for being rocking sisters. I love how different our relationships are because I learn so much from both of you. You both are wonderful women, inspiring on so many different levels and pages of life. I'm thankful for you both.
Mom and dad, thank you for being the best parents a girl could ever want. Thank you for loving each other so intensely and honestly. Thank you for wanting the best for your family and always pushing us to go for it and make our dreams come true, whatever they may be. Thank you for always being unconditional.

Thank you to my best friends Jill and Hannah. I don't know how I would have made it through this year without you both in my life. You both know me so well, in different capacities and help me more than you'll ever know. There isn't a day I don't think about you and give thanks that you're in my life. Thank you for laughing with me, being silly with me, crying with me, going through daily life with me. God knew when and why He was placing both of you in my life. Truly thankful.

This year has been filled with wonderful memories, laughter, growth, opportunities both completed and still working on. It has also had it's challenges. I loved deeply this year, but it also brought deep heartache, which I truly don't know how to recover from. It has left me wounded. I always try to take good away from situations, but sometimes there are just no words. If I am being honest, which was the whole point of this blog 'removal of the mask', some days it has left my not believing. But at the end of the day and at the end of this year, 2013, What I do believe is:

God is Faithful.
God has a plan and it's not up to me to make it happen.
When I don't see God's hand, I have to trust His heart.
I have so much to be thankful for. 
I am going to take 2014 one day at a time. 
I'm thankful. 

Happy New Year!